Girl sitting in snow facing partially frozen river

Reflections on My First Winter in Québec

So, in case you missed it, on Christmas Day I finally reunited with my boyfriend and moved across the continent to snowy Québec. As I moved just 3 days into the official winter season, I’ve endured enjoyed a little over 2 months of the Winter Wonderland that is La Belle Province. Yes, I’m aware that …

People walking in park

Au Pair in France – An Honest Guide

There are so many ways to travel and learn French, however, the most common, is becoming an au pair in France (or another Francophone country). Today I’d like to provide you with an in-depth and extremely honest guide. Please note this post is going to focus on being an au pair in France, as that …

French Police Car

That One Time I Gave a Police Statement in French

“Sydney I’m really sorry to bother you…” Véronique’s words drifted into my ears as I came to after a fitful nap on the couch. Was I still dreaming? Why is she speaking English? Were my first thoughts as a pushed my flu-ridden body to a seated position. “Uh…désolé, pardon?” I managed out. She continued in …