View of bridge over canyon of autumn trees

The Reality of Life Abroad

“Vous êtes étudiante?” “Oui.” “Et vous êtes seule, you are here, in Luxembourg, alone?” the bank manager inquired. I barely nodded, overcome with emotion at my loneliness and reality being so bluntly pointed out. “Wow, respect.” And THAT’S when I nearly burst into tears. It wasn’t the fact that I was all alone in a …

Moien From Luxembourg! My First Impressions of the Grand Duchy

Hi all! Thank you for tolerating my long absence from this blog, it’s been a whirlwind. In case you’re new here here’s a quick recap – I was meant to begin my Master’s in Learning and Communication in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts at the University of Luxembourg a year ago in September 2020. More info …