Luxembourg residency views

Luxembourg Residency: 6 Month Update

Half a year, one semester, a quarter of grad school, however you want to look at it, I’m about to surpass any other (consecutive) amount of time I’ve spent in another country. I’ve just rounded out 6 (okay closer to 7 once I got around to publishing this) months of Luxembourg residency, with no plans …

Snowy trail, lined with trees with girl in the distance

Creativity in Another Language

So, today I’m trying out something a bit different, and writing about a more educational topic; creativity in another language. It’s something I’ve always had an interest in, but last semester I took a course for my Master’s program where I properly studied it in an academic setting. The course, titled “Ecriture Créative et l’Apprentissage …

View of old Luxembourg in distance

SO, What Exactly is Luxembourgish?

One of the most frequent questions I’ve been asked since moving to the Grand Duchy from friends and family back home (besides “where’s that?” or “what part of Germany are you in?”) is “what do they speak there?” If you know anything about Luxembourg, then you know the answer is actually quite complicated. So much …