Girl in front of stone wall with frozen river in background

Why March is the Worst Month in Québec

So ICYMI, last month I wrote a piece reflecting on my first “real” winter here in Québec. I also wrote a very controversial post titled “there is no perfect climate/weather” – LOL I know. However, something I can confirm now that we are solidly in April (and a sentiment had seconded by a local friend …

View of green-blue water

Perfect Climate – Why it’s a Myth

So, last week I shared a few reflections on my first winter here in Québec. I discussed the pros, cons and everything that has surprised me. As we round out the season, I’m quite ready for the snow to melt and to shed the 3 – 5 layers I average anytime I step outside. HOWEVER, …

Girl sitting in snow facing partially frozen river

Reflections on My First Winter in Québec

So, in case you missed it, on Christmas Day I finally reunited with my boyfriend and moved across the continent to snowy Québec. As I moved just 3 days into the official winter season, I’ve endured enjoyed a little over 2 months of the Winter Wonderland that is La Belle Province. Yes, I’m aware that …