Why March is the Worst Month in Québec

So ICYMI, last month I wrote a piece reflecting on my first “real” winter here in Québec. I also wrote a very controversial post titled “there is no perfect climate/weather” – LOL I know. However, something I can confirm now that we are solidly in April (and a sentiment had seconded by a local friend here in Montréal) is that March is the absolute WORST month weather-wise in La Belle Province.

But Sydney, you may ask, isn’t that when it starts warming up? It must be heaps better than January and February, no?

Well…sorta, allow me to explain.

Winter vs. Shoulder

People assume that the dead of winter would be the roughest time here and yeah the first time I stepped out into negative double digits (Celsius) felt like a slap in the face. HOWEVER once you learn how to properly layer, find a proper pair of boots and embrace the cold, it’s quite fun.

Now, when March rolls around, the temps begin to rise a bit, but it’s sporadic. There will be sunny 50 Fahrenheit (10-12 Celsius) degree days, which is nice, but the slow melt of all the snow is a bit rough. These days will flood the streets with muddy rivers and downpours.

Snow and muddy river
Muddy rivers like this are common in March

But then, the next day it’ll be back below 20 Fahrenheit (well-into negatives Celsius), freezing all that melted stuff right over again. This means a lot of random ice you have to look out for. It’s also a yo-yoing of temperature and emotional whiplash I was NOT expecting.

It also means a lot of the snow piled high that previously could be walked on with ease is now slowly melting and very unstable. What looks like an innocent path will suck your foot in like speedy quicksand. Large parts of parks are no-go zones unless you have your rubber boots. It’s also very muddy in the non-snowy parts.

I swear most days in March I’d turn to my boyfriend and say “okay I’m ready for spring” only to be disappointed and laughed at.


You expect January and Feb to be cold, but as a West Coast gal, I’m expecting March to lead to warmer weather! Which, as I mentioned above, is true but not consistently. It’ll warm up for a day or two, then head right back to winter. Typically there’s also one last big snowstorm (followed by a mini version in April). So, I learned a hard lesson – don’t expect  spring to come at the end of February or anytime in March like it does back home!

Instead, assume winter will last all the way to the equinox, and probably a week or two after that. Don’t put away winter coats, snow boots or wool clothing until mid/late April just to be safe!

Melting snow on bridge with man crossing
Sloppy hikes like this are also common in March!


This is very important! I had a relatively decent mindset heading into my first Québec winter. I maintain that that helped SO much and so did the bulking up of my wardrobe and childlike appreciation of snow – even when it’s harder to jog on than sand.

Lesson for next time – keep a positive/winter mindset for March. Maybe even switch it up and don’t assume it’ll be t-shirt weather. Spring will come eventually (albeit for a short duration) before summer is on the horizon!

Looking forward

As I look back from my comfy seat in a much-more-consistent April (after the random, last of the season snowstorm on the 1st!). I’m so happy all that is behind me. Sure it’s still gone back and forth between sunny and almost-summer to rainy and def a Canadian spring this month, but the temperature whiplash is nowhere near as severe as it’s older sibling.

And as the weather only continues to improve heading into my favorite season, I’m happily waving March in the rearview mirror of this year.

What is March like where you live?